Love reading good news about martens. They are so mysterious and elusive. I wrote a poem about American martens in my second book A Lexicon of Love. The poem is called “Montage of Marten.” They have rather mysteriously been repopulating the northern Wisconsin apostle islands and it is very encouraging to hear about, and an example where citizen science and social media is helping to track them!
I learned this week that solar companies are developing a new type of solar panel for rooftops -- one that replaces shingles and incorporates heat pumps to improve efficiency. When I told my husband about it, I said that Tesla already has solar panel shingles, but don't worry, we wouldn't have to buy from them because another company is developing something better. ;) I'm hoping that this new technology will be cost-effective by the time I need to reshingle my roof. (At least cheaper than replacing my roof with aluminum before also buying solar panels and heat pump.)
Thank you for all the good news. While eco-recovery may take years, that is a millisecond second against the process of evolution (as I'm sure you know). I think it was Jared Diamond in his book, Collapse, who noted that the Japanese approach to forest management was measured in decades. Speaking of Teslas, I think it would be an exciting experiment if Mr. Musk and Pres. Trump were ensconced in a driverless Tesla and required to navigate the streets of Boston and Beijing in their quest to find waste and fraud.
Former Tesla driver, current electric Mini Cooper driver! Love driving green without representing a Nazi. (There's a sentence I never thought I'd type.)
Love reading good news about martens. They are so mysterious and elusive. I wrote a poem about American martens in my second book A Lexicon of Love. The poem is called “Montage of Marten.” They have rather mysteriously been repopulating the northern Wisconsin apostle islands and it is very encouraging to hear about, and an example where citizen science and social media is helping to track them!
Yes! I have been reading about it several places in the last few years
So fantastic to hear all this good news. The tigers!!! I don't want to live in a world that can't sustain tigers.
Thanks Amanda, love the delivery, good news without the side dish of fanfare and grandiose claims these stories usually get. Very refreshing.
Thank you!
Thanks for the shout out, Amanda! Loved the post.
Go science writers!
go tigers.
you should see the movie. Kurosawa directed it. it's beautiful:
XP is in the house! 😺
You know I’m always up for a good otter story but tigers too!? And bighorns! This is amazing. The Tesla thing makes me smile 😄
It will be frogs soon. Let's see if I can get some love for frogs.🙂
Oh hell yeah! I’m always worried about frogs. Looking forward to it! 🐸
Thanks for the very informative post.
The pine martens are so cute!
I learned this week that solar companies are developing a new type of solar panel for rooftops -- one that replaces shingles and incorporates heat pumps to improve efficiency. When I told my husband about it, I said that Tesla already has solar panel shingles, but don't worry, we wouldn't have to buy from them because another company is developing something better. ;) I'm hoping that this new technology will be cost-effective by the time I need to reshingle my roof. (At least cheaper than replacing my roof with aluminum before also buying solar panels and heat pump.)
Thank you for all the good news. While eco-recovery may take years, that is a millisecond second against the process of evolution (as I'm sure you know). I think it was Jared Diamond in his book, Collapse, who noted that the Japanese approach to forest management was measured in decades. Speaking of Teslas, I think it would be an exciting experiment if Mr. Musk and Pres. Trump were ensconced in a driverless Tesla and required to navigate the streets of Boston and Beijing in their quest to find waste and fraud.
Former Tesla driver, current electric Mini Cooper driver! Love driving green without representing a Nazi. (There's a sentence I never thought I'd type.)
Thank you for this uplifting and hopeful post!
And hope that pushes tigers away from genetic bottlenecks
The amazing part of that story is that some of the forests where they are coming back are close to millions of people.
This headline alone gets a like 🙂
I love headlines ...